New Here?

Walking into a church for the first time can feel a little intimidating.  You aren’t sure what to expect.  You aren’t sure where to go.  You aren’t sure you’ll feel welcome.  We get that, and we want to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible walking through our doors.  With that in mind, we’d like to share a little about ourselves, so you’ll know what to expect when you get here.

We strive to be an everybody-always community.  What does that mean?  It means everybody is always welcome!  Whether you are a life-long church goer, new to the faith, or just trying to figure things out, you are welcome here!

We mess up.  We seek to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ, but as much as we try, we don’t always get it right.  We know we aren’t perfect, and we don’t expect you to be either.  Come as you are! 

We have a place for you to connect.   On Sunday mornings we have a time of fellowship beginning at 9:15.  Come enjoy a light breakfast and a cup of coffee with us!  We offer Sunday School classes beginning at 9:30.  Come connect with us!  On Wednesday nights and other nights throughout the week, we offer a variety of ways to live out our faith.  We have ministries for all ages and places for anyone and everyone to get involved.  We believe there is a place for you here! 

We worship together at 10:30 on Sunday mornings.  Everyone is welcome in worship.  We offer a special message to our children each week.  Afterwards, children are invited to Children’s Church or they are welcome to stay in the worship service.  We believe in offering our praises to God in a variety of ways, from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs.  Each week we offer a Christ-centered message that we believe speaks into our daily lives.

That’s a little about who we are.  We would love to get to know you.  If we can answer any questions about who we are, what we believe, or how we worship, please don’t hesitate to ask, and please consider this a personal invitation to join us in worship on Sunday morning.  You are welcome here!